Top 10 Reasons Why Expats Want To Work in the UAE

Because of the current economic status of the UAE, there is an increasing number of expats who want to work here. We can’t blame them, there are many great things about the country that even living expats can’t live without if they will leave the UAE for good. Expats choose to work in the UAE for a lot of good reasons.

Also Read: 10 Things to Know Before Working in the United Arab Emirates

Just in case you are looking for solid proof to push through with your job application anywhere in the UAE, be it in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or other Emirates, we gathered the information in this article for your reference.

For most expats, being able to work in the UAE is such a blessing. Imagine having the opportunity to work with UAE and foreign companies in exchange for a good career and better compensation. Who wouldn’t want to be treated this way? Who wouldn’t want to earn enough for our families who are relying on us financially?

Everyone wants good career development while doing the things they are passionate about. And here in the UAE, there are many options to choose from when it comes to a job. Now, here are the reasons why expats choose to work in the UAE.

Reasons To Work in the UAE

  • The UAE is fit for travelers.

If you want to work here and at the same time fulfill your travel bucket list, the UAE is a good place for both. There are many expats who travel around the country during their day off and holidays. They make sure to explore every tourist spot in the country for experience. If your goal is to start traveling while earning, the UAE is a pretty good place to start turning your dreams into reality. Whatever type of traveler you are—budget or luxury—the UAE has a place for expats like you.

  • It’s easier to apply for the US or Canada Visa when you are in the UAE.

Expats call the UAE the “Springboard” to other countries. If you are working and living here, it’s easier for you to apply for the US or Canada Visa. These rich countries seem to trust the UAE for molding expats in terms of career and education. If you will come from a developing country and you want to move to the US or Canada soon, you can start your career in the UAE first so you can earn the trust of these countries. Use this chance to improve your skills and look for a job that will help you become more professional.

  • There are a lot of job vacancies in the country.

The reason why expats keep on coming to the UAE is that the number of job vacancies that need to be filled. Companies are starting to build their own empires in the country and because of that, they need more hands to run the business. Hiring expats is one of their top choices since the country is mostly composed of different nationalities.

  • Employers will shoulder your employment expenses.

One of the major reasons why it is good to look for jobs in the UAE is that your employer will bear all your employment expenses, from processing the paperwork to looking for your accommodation. You don’t need to spend a dime unless you are traveling to the UAE with a tourist visa. And in case your employer insists that you spend on all your employment needs, you can report him to the authorities in the UAE.

  • There are companies who prefer hiring expats.

The companies in the UAE are composed of public and private entities with different missions and visions. Some are private foreign companies that prefer to hire expats rather than locals. This is an opportunity you shouldn’t take for granted. As long as there are companies who are willing to hire expats, you will not run out of jobs in the country.

  • English is the main language used in the workplace.

Regardless of where you came from, as long as you can speak in English, you can easily get hired in the UAE. This is probably why there are expats who focus on language proficiency first. If you can communicate well and clear in the universal language, you can easily get an employer.

  • Public transportation is very accessible throughout the country.

If you are an expat planning to work and live in the UAE, you don’t need a private car to go to your office. Public transportation is very accessible throughout the country. You can use trains, buses, and cabs. If you are living on a budget, you don’t need to worry about traveling to and from work since transportation is well-disciplined here.

  • Different types of accommodation are here.

Just in case your employer will not shoulder your accommodation, you can choose your own condo unit or apartment in the UAE. You can choose from affordable and luxurious ones. You will not run out of options because the UAE has different types of accommodation that can fit your budget.

  • There is plenty of room for career growth.

Whether you want to boost your career through experience or you want to advance it through education, you can get both in the UAE. The country offers educational programs to expats. The experience you will get from working for good companies can be considered as a good strategy for career development as well.

  • A large percentage of the population is expats.

Even if you migrate alone to the UAE, you will find your circle of friends here. A large percentage of the population in the country is expats. Your network is going to be big if you will decide to work here. If you lose your first job, it is easier to look for a replacement by means of referral and recommendations.

You can have your own personal reason to work in the UAE. But considering these top 10 is enough to support the number of expats moving to the country every year for work. If you are still hesitant to work here, read the top 10 reasons why and re-evaluate your decisions. Don’t forget to share this with your family and friends who are still thinking about moving to the UAE as well.

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