Common reasons why your UAE visa application gets rejected

Not all expats are granted the chance to enter the country. Not everyone receives approval from the UAE. This means that even if you want to work and live in the UAE, if your visa will get rejected, you will still have to wait for the right moment until your necessary documents get approved by the authorities.

Those expats who receive a rejection from the UAE government try again after correcting the errors identified. So, even if your visa application got rejected, you can still qualify to become an expat in the UAE provided that you meet the requirements given by law.

The UAE Visa is the first requirement when you apply for a job in the UAE. You must be able to meet all the conditions given by the government so they can approve your visa application.

9 Common Reasons for Rejected UAE Visa Application

The UAE receives millions of applications every year and despite the increasing number of expats who want to be a part of the community, the government still managed to filter those that could be granted access and those that don’t meet the criteria.

If you are going to apply for a UAE Visa, there are reasons why your application could be rejected. Continue reading this article to learn more about it. There are common reasons why your UAE visa might be rejected and here they are.

1. Your visa application has an error

This is the most common reason why you might get a rejected UAE visa application. Your application may contain errors in your passport number, your name, or other information that will hold the processing of your visa. Note that the details of your application should be matched with the documents you submitted such as your passport, birth certificate, etc. If those details are not matched, the authorities will stop processing your visa application.

2. Your passport pictures are not clear

When submitting the necessary document, you have to make sure that everything is clear, especially the photos. If your passport picture is not clear, vague, or blurred, expect that your application will get rejected. If this is the case, you need to submit your application again and fix what you think is the issue. If your passport pictures are blurred, submit a clearer copy so the authorities won’t get confused.

3. Handwritten passports are not allowed

Note that in the UAE, handwritten passports are not allowed. If you come from a country that issues handwritten passports, your UAE visa won’t get approved. Yes, there are still places in the world that stick to handwritten documents like passports. Make sure to check this first before you apply for a visa in the country.

4. You are a sole traveler, female, and below 22 years of age

The country is very strict in terms of human trafficking. Not everyone who travels alone for work is granted the chance to enter the UAE especially if the traveler is a female and below 22 years old. This is a safety precaution exercised by the government. Unless you have someone to travel with you such as your parents, sponsors, or relatives in the UAE, your UAE visa application will not be approved. If you will be able to defend your reasons for traveling alone, talk to the immigration officer and discuss the matter for more chances of approval.

5. You did not cancel your residence visa when you left the country

Before leaving the UAE and applying for a new visa, there is a cancelation procedure that needs to be followed, unless your visa allows you to do multiple-entry. If you know that you are going back to the UAE after years, make sure to cancel your residence visa before your exit. The Public Relations Officer of the company you previously worked for usually does the cancelation.

6. You had an approved employment UAE visa but did not enter the country

There are expats who had previously applied for UAE visa, got approved, but never got the chance to enter the UAE. If you are in the same situation, you have to let your employer know about this or else, your application for the UAE visa will be put into waste. Let the Public Relations Officer of your potential company know about this case so that he can do necessary actions to clear your visa.

7. You had an approved tourist UAE visa but did not enter the country

The same procedure as stated above applies to previously approved tourist UAE visa. If you had one before but never got a chance to enter the country, let your employer know so they may clear things out with the immigration authorities in the country.

8. You had a criminal record

The UAE is strict in criminal records too. If you have been previously punished for a criminal record in your home country or here in the UAE, your UAE visa will likely get rejected. But that doesn’t mean that you can never enter the country. What you need to do is to apply for a Good Conduct Certificate first then submit this together with the required documents.

9. The documents you submitted are not complete

Before you can apply for a UAE visa, you have to secure all your documents first. Even if your employer will do the process for you, you need to provide them enough files so you can meet the requirements given by the UAE authorities. Make sure that when you are submitting the documents, all the details are matched or else, your application will get rejected.

The common reasons set out above are easy to remember. You have to be as knowledgeable as possible when you are applying for a UAE visa. Expats should be reminded that although the country is open for expats who wish to advance their career or who want to find better job opportunities, they still need to pass the preliminary assessments of the authorities and number one is the application for a UAE visa. If you have friends or relatives in the UAE who need this information, don’t forget to share this with them!

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