FREE Treatment for Coronavirus Cases in UAE (Insurance Not Required)

All cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in UAE will be treated free of charge, even if you do not have insurance. In a circular issued by the Dubai Health Authority based on the instructions of the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention, all the Dubai Health Authority licensed health facilities must consider suspected or confirmed cases of the novel corona virus (COVID-19) as emergency cases.

Related: UAE Cabinet Meeting to Fight Against the New Coronavirus, COVID-19

This is a good news for all residents and visitors in the country, whether you have health insurance or not. The UAE has competent medical facilities and you will receive medical attention accordingly.

free treatment coronavirus cases uae

COVID-19 Cases in UAE to be Treated FREE of Costs

The circular mentions that all health facilities should label any suspected or confirmed novel coronavirus case as “Emergency Cases” within the two following categories.

If the patient has Insurance Coverage:
The case will be treated as an ’emergency case’ according to insurance policies and insurance companies will honor any claims received.

If the patients has NO Insurance Coverage:
The case will still be treated as an ’emergency case’ and the suspected/confirmed case will not require any payment of health care cost at the healthcare facilities.

The decision to bear no cost for the COVID-19 cases helps ensure the safety and health of the community and to also control the patients confirmed or suspected with the infection. All the while providing the patients with proper services, medication and treatment.

Check out the full circular details here.

So far, the UAE has suspended classes in both public and private schools and universities for one month and will undergo sterilization and sanitation.

Events have also been cancelled due to the outbreak. There’s also been a new COVID-19 case that was announced involving students.

As we wait for further updates and announcements from government authorities, please be advised to practice proper hygiene and to stay alert at all times. We should also avoid spreading rumours and only source updates from proper news and authorized governing bodies.



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