UAE Schools Closed for 4 Weeks Due to COVID-19

All public and private schools and universities in the UAE are suspended for a month due to the COVID-19 outbreak. According to an announcement by the Ministry of Education, all schools and universities will be closed for 4 weeks starting March 8, 2020. During this course, facilities will be deep-cleaned.

Also Read: UAE Cabinet Meeting on Fight Against Coronavirus, COVID-19

Below is a Tweet from the Ministry of Education regarding the said directive:


uae schools close coronavirus

For the Safety and Security of the Students

According to the circular, the Spring break holiday officially begins on 8th March up until 19th March (for a period of two weeks).

However, the ministry circular noted, that no students are allowed to enter government school buildings or facilities for a period of four weeks. Students attending UAE government schools will undertake distance learning measures from 22nd March up until 2nd April, the circular explained, adding that schooling timetable scheduling – via distance learning – will be from 08:30 to 13:30.

The ministry statement noted that administrative and teaching staff will undergo special training to facilitate distance learning for students. The trainings will take place from 15th to 19th March.

Administrative and teaching staff working hours during this period of time – where distance learning will take place – are from 08:00 – 14:00, the Ministry of Education added.

Students will commence normal teaching patterns and attendance beginning 5th April – which marks the beginning of the third semester of the academic year, the circular continued.

The Ministry called on students, caretakers and parents, and administrative and teaching staff to adhere to recommendations issued by the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention, particularly those related to travel, in view of the current coronavirus global health crisis.

It added, “In keeping with the recent instructions issued by the health authorities, all school staff and students returning from outside the UAE must complete the necessary medical examination and must undergo home quarantine for 14 days to ensure that they are healthy.”

If you’re a student or parent and you have questions/clarifications regarding this announcement, you may visit the KHDA (Knowledge and Human Development Authority) website, for their FAQs here –

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