Anti-Discrimination Law in UAE

The UAE has an anti-discrimination law that protects everyone in the country. As long as you are working and residing here, you are bound by this law. Keep in mind that you can use this law against anyone who will try to discriminate you in the future whether at work or outside work. But, for you to use this, you should be aware of the details of it and how does it work in the UAE. Continue reading the rest of this article to know more.

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Anti-discrimination is the act of going against discrimination activities. Almost all the countries in the world are practicing this. Usually, anti-discrimination aims to protect an individual from hatred of gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, and other similar aspects. The same applies here in the UAE. But, to be able to understand everything in the country’s Anti-discrimination law, let us talk about it piece by piece in accordance with what the government of the UAE has announced.

What is Anti-discrimination or Anti-hatred law in the UAE?

H. H Sheikh Khalifa has issued Federal Decree Law No. 2 of 2015 in July 2015. This is a decree that combats discrimination and hatred in the country. It protects every individual in the country including expats. It also provides social security to a great extent. To sum up the Anti-discrimination law, here are the following details:

  • This law has a purpose of fighting discrimination against a person or group of people based on doctrine, religion, race, ethnic origin, color, or caste.
  • If someone is caught going against this law, he/she will be criminalized if proven that the act triggers religious hatred or insult. Whatever form it is—written words, pamphlets, books, or social media, the person who is caught will pay.
  • Specifically, no one should insult God, the apostles, his prophets, books, graveyards, and houses of worship.
  • No group should be established to provoke religious hatred. The law suggests that serious punishments will be given to these groups or organizations that will do hate crimes.
  • No conferences or meetings should be held within the UAE if the sole purpose of the meeting is to sow the seed of discrimination or hatred against a person or a group.
  • If someone is receiving financial support from discrimination or hate activities, he/she will be punished using this law.
  • If someone is involved in such activities, he/she should submit himself voluntarily so as to waive the punishments and penalties under the law.

What are the other areas of Anti-discrimination law?

Apart from what is stated above, the anti-discrimination law also talks about other areas like equal wages of men and women, Federal Law No. 29 of 2006, anti-discrimination for people of determination, people of determination protection from abuse policy, domestic helpers law, and discrimination convention.

The anti-discrimination law covers a wide range and every expat in the UAE needs to be aware of that.

Equal wages for men and women

The UAE Cabinet approved a law that states that there should be equal wages and salaries for women and men. This law was passed in 2018. According to Article 32 of the UAE Labor Law, all female workers should be given a wage equal to men who are performing the same job.

Federal Law No. 29 of 2006

This law, on the other hand, is a law for people of determination. According to Article 12, there should be equal opportunities in education for people with special needs. The education this law talks about includes all educational matters including adult education, vocational education, regular classes, continuous education, and special classes.

Anti-discrimination law of people of determination

There is also a clause in the anti-determination law that aims to protect people with special needs against discrimination or hatred in public or private sectors. Thus, people of determination should receive equal employment and opportunities in the labour market. The law states that these people should not be terminated for the reason that they have special needs. They have the right to equal treatment and should not be discriminated against. All companies, whether private or public, are encouraged to hire people with special needs.

People of Determination protection from abuse policy

This aims to protect people with special needs from abuse and neglect of services including health care, rehabilitation, recreation, medical care, and community integration. People with determination should not be used for profit according to this law.

Domestic Helper’s Law in the UAE

According to the UAE Domestic Helper’s Law, there should not be any discrimination among helpers based on colour, race, gender, political opinion, and religion.

Discrimination Convention

Every expat should be reminded that UAE is a signatory to the Convention that concerns Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation. Thus, it is the national policy to encourage equal opportunities and treatment in terms of employment and occupation. There should be no discrimination in this area as well.

Avoiding punishments from anti-discrimination law

If you are an expat or domestic worker in the country, you have the right to file a case against someone who will discriminate against you. Likewise, people have the right to file a case against you in case you violate this law. To avoid anything that relates you to discrimination, here are the things that you should you:

  • Always respect your colleagues at work regardless of their place of origin.
  • Do not violate any workplace rule about discrimination and hatred.
  • Stay away from people who are enticing you to be a member of a hatred group.
  • Do not get involved in rallies against religion.
  • If you have anything against your employer, always seek the help of the Ministry of Human Resource & Emiratisation (MoHRE).
  • Do not sell yourself to hate groups just because you need money.

There is always a way to avoid getting punished by the authorities. As an expat, you don’t need to violate the anti-discrimination law. Always seek the help of the right people in case you experience any of the things stated in this article.

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