Guide to Register the Birth of Your Child in the UAE

Are you going to give birth in the UAE, specifically in Dubai? If yes, this article will help you register the birth of your baby. Expats come and go in the UAE. There are those who chose to live here in the long-term and build a family.

Also Read: How to Sponsor your Family in UAE (Residence Visa for Spouse, Children, and Parents)

In case you are with your spouse and you have been given a blessing to have a child while you are residing and working here, you should know by now that expats can register the birth of their babies in the UAE. If you are curious about the steps, here are the things that you should follow.

How to register your child’s birth if you are an expat?

For those who are expecting a child, congratulations first! Now it’s good that you are aware how you can register and get a residence visa for your newborn baby. Below are the steps and guidelines:

Obtain a birth certificate for your baby.

The first step to register the birth of your child is registering his/her birth. You will be given 30 days to apply for a birth certificate. If you and your spouse are currently residing in the country and the delivery took place in a hospital, you need to secure the following documents:

  • Photocopies of the passports of the parents of the child or the Emirates ID.
  • Your original marriage certificate that has been translated in Arabic and subsequently attested.
  • The original and photocopy of your child’s birth notification that has been stamped and certified. Submit this together with the discharge summary from the hospital.

In case your husband is not in the UAE but the delivery happened within the country, you should secure the following documents:

  • Statement from the wife confirming that the marriage is still effective.
  • Marriage contract that has been certified.
  • A certified photocopy of the passport of the husband or a letter from the embassy declaring the nationality of the father and his relationship with the child.

If your child is born in any public hospital in the UAE, specifically in Dubai, you can apply for a birth certificate translated in Arabic in Latifa Hospital, Dubai Hospital, and Rashid Hospital. They have dedicated counters that can issue birth certificates in Arabic. If in private hospitals, you can head to the Preventive Medicine Center in Al Baraha or Service 1 Center in Emirates Tower. These two places can issue birth certificates in English.

There are cases that your child may be born in a place other than a hospital. For example, in your home. If this is the case, the documents you have to submit are the following:

  • Photocopies of the passports of the parents of the child or the Emirates ID.
  • Your original marriage certificate that has been translated in Arabic and subsequently attested.
  • The original and photocopy of your child’s birth notification that has been stamped and certified. Submit this together with the discharge summary from the hospital.
  • Letter from the court saying that the delivery happened somewhere else. This should include the names of the child’s parents and the date of birth.

For those who want a less hassle process, you can apply for your child’s birth certificate online by going to the website of the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP). You can choose an Arabic or English birth certificate to be issued.

There will be a designated authority to handle and verify the birth certificate. The process will take 2-3 days and you need to go back to the center where you filed it in order to collect it afterward.

Attestation of the birth certificate

You have to wait for the birth certificate for it to be attested. The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MOFA) will get your birth certificate. If you are residing in Dubai, it’s best to seek the help of typing centers so you will have someone to assist you with the process.

Issuance of identification documents.

After the issuance and attestation of birth certificate, your baby will be issued identification documents such as visas, Emirates ID, and passports. You have 120 days to process all these requirements or else, you will have to pay a fine of up to AED 100 per day. These documents are needed so that your baby can stay within the UAE.

How much is the fee for the birth certificate and identification documents?

If you are curious about the fees, it’s better to talk to the right authority to know more. Don’t forget to ask the fees when you are submitting the documents for the issuance of the birth certificate. Likewise, remember to seek help when processing the child’s identification documents. Most probably, the fees will not be the same as normal when you get your own identification papers. The best way to know how much is to ask the right person.

Final Thoughts

Delivering your baby in the UAE is fine. However, he/she won’t be an automatic citizen as the country does not honor this kind of setup unless the father is from Dubai or other emirates. What your child can claim is the residency as long as he/she has the right documents. For parents who are expecting their child to be born in the country, you should keep in mind the timeline so that you can avoid penalties. Don’t forget to share this with your family and friends who are in the UAE. This article might help them in the process.

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