What is the Salary of a Nurse in the UAE?

The nursing industry in the UAE has been booming. Because of this, more opportunities are becoming available for expats with a degree in nursing. More and more expats are entering the country every year to look for careers that will satisfy their needs for reasonable compensation and good career experience.

If you are curious about the basic compensation nurses get in the country, this blog will tell you how much. You will also find a video below posted by BD Lara on Youtube. His video has a lot of good things to learn.


How much is the salary of a nurse in the UAE?

BD Lara is an expat nurse currently working in Dubai. In his video, he shared his experiences as a nurse in the country, including his salary after about 4 years of working in Dubai. Currently, he is working as a dental nurse. If you want to learn more about his encounters, you can watch his video below or continue reading this blog for a summary.

To answer the question of how much salary nurses are getting in the country, there are factors to consider. One of the major factors affecting the compensation of nurses here is the type of nurse job you have. Based on what Lara said on his video, here are the following salaries you may receive:

Government Nurse—government nurses earn more than AED 10,000 in the UAE.

Homecare Nurse—homecare nurses receive a minimum of AED 5,000 and as much as AED 7,000.

Aesthetic Nurse—aesthetic nurses earn compensation from AED 7,000 to AED 9,000.

Hotel Nurse—if you will work as a hotel nurse, you can receive as much as AED 5,000. The minimum salary as a hotel nurse is AED 3,500.

Dental Nurse—as a dental nurse, you will earn AED 4,000 to AED 6,000.

School Nurse—a school nurse can earn as much as AED 7,000 and as low as AED 5,000.

This estimated is already the amount you can take home. Taxes in Dubai don’t apply to employee income.

What if you go to Dubai without a nursing license?

There would be no problem if you go to Dubai without a nursing license. It’s all fine. However, having a nursing license is an advantage especially if you are applying as a nurse in the UAE. There are healthcare centers where you can work in Dubai with a license.

These are the Department of Health, Dubai Health Authority, Ministry of Health and Prevention, and Dubai Healthcare City. If you want to jumpstart your career as a nurse, these facilities are the most ideal for you.

What jobs can I get without a nursing license?

If you don’t have a nursing license, it’s still fine to work in the country. There are expats here who work as an assistant nurse without a license. There are also some who find jobs that are not related to nursing at all, such as office jobs and positions in sales.

A lot of open doors will welcome you in the UAE. You just have to be persistent enough to land a good job. But of course, you must see to it that there are jobs requiring certain requirements.

Can you get a nurse license here in the UAE?

Yes, you can get a nursing license in the UAE, if that’s one of your plans. Those with UAE-issued licenses can easily get into government facilities. Before you apply for a license, make sure that you have enough experience as a nurse in the country you come from. At least two to three years of experience is needed.

How can you go to Dubai to work as a nurse?

There are a few options so you can go to Dubai and work as a nurse. First, you need to have a sponsor. It can be the company you are going to work for or someone who is a resident of the country. It can be your relative too—mother, father, or anyone who is your immediate family. Or, you can go to Dubai through an agency. If you can’t find a sponsor, you might want to talk to a legal agency.

An agency can help you with the direct hiring process once you are in Dubai. Most nurses working in government facilities are hired through agencies from different countries. Aside from sponsorship, this is one of the best options. Third, you can go to Dubai with a tourist visa and search for a job within the visit period.

If you are lucky and you get hired, you can switch to an employment visa right away. However, take note that you can’t work with a tourist visa. Searching for a job is allowed but once you get a sponsor, you should convert your visa immediately.

Working as a home care nurse in Dubai

If you are planning to work as a home care nurse in Dubai, your experience will depend on your patient. There are some who are easy to handle while there are patients who have different complications.

As a home care nurse, you have to be careful and keep your patients healthy as much as possible. In addition to that, you will be with the family of the patient as you work. You need to get along with the family members if you want to keep your job.

Final Thoughts

As a nurse, you can choose from different positions. Lara was able to discuss the different types of nurse jobs in the UAE and the possible estimated salary you can get. As you spend time working as a nurse in the country, your value becomes higher and higher. The more you work in the same position, the more you are worthy of salary raise.




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