All About Amer Centers in the UAE

Government documents are essential when you are in the UAE. Like other countries, there are specific places and offices that are assigned to process the needs of the residents, tourists, and locals in the country. Amer Centers have the same purpose. These centers are spread across the country to serve everyone, especially in terms of documentation and transactions with the government.

The Amer Centers are under the direct supervision of the government, which is unlike other private organizations offering the same services. In case you need the help of one of the Amer Centers in the UAE, here’s what you should know.


Amer Centers Vs. Private Centers

Compared to private centers, Amer Centers are more straightforward. If you avail of the services of private centers, you would know that the process is longer. After you fill-up the forms that you need to complete, there is still a need to head to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs Dubai (GDRFA) to successfully submit the applications. But now that the UAE has Amer Centers, people don’t have to go to GDRFA headquarters. \The forms can now be filled up and submitted to the same place, which is more ideal as it cuts the time you have to spend to comply with the process. It also adds efficiency to what the centers can provide to the people in the UAE.

What is the main purpose of Amer Centers?

The main purpose of Amer Centers is to provide efficiency and to lessen the time spent to process the documentation and transaction with government agencies. It aims to avoid the redundancy of the process. \To keep the system going, the staff is trained so that they can utilize smart equipment and reach the 6,000 transaction goal. There are also kiosks for individuals who want to do self-service.

What are the services offered by Amer Centers?

There are numerous services offered by Amer Centers. If you need one of the following services, you can head to one of the centers in the country.

  • Passport services – those who don’t have passports yet may avail of the passport services in the Amer Services, especially the UAE Nationals. In case your passport is expired already, the center is also offering passport renewal services.
  • Typing services – these services are often needed by residents and locals of the UAE. You don’t have to go to the old typing centers anymore as you can head straight to Amer Centers for this service.
  • Visa services – those who are living in Dubai can use Amer centers to renew their visas and apply for entry permits. Cancellation of visas is also offered in the center.
  • Police clearance services – if you need police clearance certificates, you can also apply to the center. There is no need to go to police stations.
  • Road & transportation authority services – driving license renewals can also be done at any Amer Center. If you need your vehicle registered, you can also ask the staff for it.
  • Tax authority – those businesses that need assistance from the tax authorities can go to any Amer Centers. You can apply for VAT registration for your business here.
  • Health services – Health insurance and health cards are available at any Amer Center.
  • Emirates ID services – to get your Emirates ID and other services related to this identification document, Amer Centers are open to serve you.

Amer Centers are helpful in many ways. Apart from the services listed above, you can also avail of the services related to translation, attestation, and PRO. The centers provide services to companies and individuals. Moreover, the government of the UAE made sure that what you need from the Department of Economic Development, Dubai Courts, and Dubai Municipality can be obtained from the centers.

Amer Centers’ Smart System

Amer Centers use a smart system to make sure that all applications are free from error. In case the system detects an error in your submission, you will be immediately notified of it. Amer Centers can also reject applications and submission if the documents required are missing or incomplete. The smart system is helpful to both the centers and the applicants so they would know what is needed to fix right away. Compared to the previous process, the system used today is more efficient and effective.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the new system, the government monitors the Amer Centers hiring mystery shoppers to check if the goals are being met, specifically in terms of customer service, space, employee training, Emiratisation, and hygiene. Once the government discovers that one of the centers is not doing its job properly, there is an equivalent penalty for that. In contrast, those who adhere to the policies and requirements receive rewards based on the feedback of customers.

Amer Center Mobile Application

To make life easier, the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs Dubai (GDRFA) launched an application that permits users to apply online and make appointments at the comfort of your home. If you have a smartphone, you can download the application from your App Store and Google Play. Once you have the application installed, just open the app, choose a service you want to avail, submit the required documents, and then get a token. After that, you need to go to the nearest Amer Centre to complete everything. With this mobile app, you don’t have to wait in line.

Final Thoughts

Amer Centers make life easy and simple. Aside from the smart system used at Amer Centers, the smart app makes it easier for individuals and companies to apply for government documents. Since the application can be submitted online, it cuts down the time you have to spend on the normal procedure. Waiting in a queue is something you wouldn’t want to experience. So, if you want to avoid getting in line just to avail of Amer Center services, you can download the smart application.

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